Ted and Maria Corby have been married 27 years and have been blessed with two children, and now, two grandchildren. They also have two spoiled-rotten dachshunds that may or may not be considered a blessing.
A U.S. Army combat veteran, Ted held multiple roles with the USPS during his 29-year tenure. Maria is the Director of Member Services for the First Coast Manufacturers Association (FCMA) where she has worked for more than 20 years.
After more than a decade of service to local churches in the areas of worship and children’s ministry, Ted and Maria accepted the call to bi-vocational ministry. Visiting Ted’s home country of Canada in 2017 led to a partnership with church planters Jason and Kim McGibbon and others serving in Toronto and Hamilton. In 2018, Ted and Maria launched Immersion Fellowship, a house church, in Jacksonville.
Ted holds a Bachelor’s degree in Religion from Liberty University and is currently pursuing his Master’s in Biblical Counseling from Luther Rice College and Seminary. Outside of Sunday evening church services and time with family, Ted spends time with a guitar in hand, on a baseball field, or out cycling. Maria keeps everyone fed, including the pups, and even finds spare moments for painting.