Bridge is the first step in a 15-year plan…

A Bridge to the City.
We will increase the percentage of people in Jacksonville’s urban core who attend a Gospel-centered church by planting a house church in every multi-unit housing development within one mile of our campus, expanding the ministry of the San Marco Community Center, and planting a new English language church in Jacksonville’s urban center.

A Bridge to the Nations.
We will make the Gospel available to every language spoken in Duval County Public Schools by 2039. We will expand and renovate the Aspire Church Karen’s campus in Arlington and plant two new language-specific congregations in Jacksonville.

A Bridge to the Future.
We will secure the legacy of Aspire Church for future generations by investing in campus renovations to improve pedestrian safety, simplify wayfinding, expand and renovate first-floor restrooms, build our capital reserves, and establish a Legacy Endowment Fund.

We are not waiting until after this initiative to serve our city and the nations. Help us bridge the gap today by fully engaging in the mission of Aspire Church.
Bridge Frequently Asked Questions
The amount you choose to give is a personal decision. We encourage each person or family to pray and seek God’s guidance, considering a sacrificial gift that reflects their commitment to the vision.
You can make a pledge by filling out a commitment card available by contacting our finance team, online, or in the back of this book. This card helps us plan and ensures we can meet our financial goals.
Yes, we understand that financial circumstances can change. You can adjust your pledge at any time by contacting our finance team at the church.
Yes, Aspire Church accepts non-cash gifts, including stocks, property, and other assets. These contributions can be a beneficial way to support the initiative and may offer tax advantages.
Yes, contributions to the Bridge Initiative are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. We recommend consulting with a financial advisor to understand how your donation can affect your tax situation.
Yes, we included the cost of the roof in this plan. This will allow us to backfill our building reserve account for future needs.
The Invested loan principal and interest payments are already figured into our annual operating costs.
This loan was used to replace the elevators, address some (but not all) of the steeple repairs, and renovate the second floor of the adult education building.
Mission Hall will continue to be used to highlight our commitment to fulfill the Great Commission. We anticipate that more traffic will flow through Mission Hall with the proposed renovations.
Plans are still being made for the media center. Emerging technology and shifting needs have created the opportunity to reimagine our media center. While we are looking for a permanent home for this resource, we will set up a new temporary home.
We will create a new entrance into the MFC from the San Marco Community Center entrance. To accommodate this change, we will re-orient the MFC to put the stage on the wall across from the kitchen.
To increase pedestrian safety and improve traffic flow, the portico lot will no longer accommodate any parking. Handicap parking will be moved to the large lot on the other side of San Marco Place. A new pedestrian path will allow for safe, quick, and easy access for those requiring handicapped spaces. We will also run the golf cart from the parking lot to the San Marco Place entrance on Sundays and for other special events.
No. We anticipate this being a raised crosswalk that will slow traffic on San Marco Place and make it easier and safer to get from the parking lot to the San Marco Place entrance.
Jaycox Architects and Associates, a highly-rated architectural design firm in Jacksonville, has been involved in our planning from the beginning.
First, we will try to identify people from Aspire who live in any of these developments. Then we will work with those individuals to begin home groups somewhere in the development. If there are no members of Aspire living there, or they are unable to help us begin a home group, we will pray for a person of peace who can help us begin a home group. We will offer training and support to new and potential homegroup leaders throughout the process.

To make a commitment, just bring your commitment card to the next worship service you attend or fill it out online.